Enhanced cooperation, the l’“intégration des esprits”
Abstract. The involution of the pro-European spirit in some Member States of the European Union, the partially shattered Ventotene dream, a realistic look at the current international context, lead us to reflect on the role of Europe and to fight for its revival.
In a world dominated by globalization and by emerging and new giants, such as China, only a politically integrated European Union, speaking with one voice, can play a role in international politics.
The “intégration des esprits“, the diffusion of the European culture among citizens, is essential to achieve this goal, and to combat the egocentrism and myopia of some States. The currently underway Conference on the future of Europe represents an important instrument to all citizens to participate in the relaunching of the European project.
At the State level, if pragmatically premature to foresee an immediate modification of the treaties towards a more federal stance, it is though possible that most of the far-sighted States will use with an increasingly incisive and leading approach the instrument of enhanced cooperation provided for in article 20 of the treaty on the European Union.
SUMMARY: 1. Introduction. – 2. Enhanced cooperation. Court of Justice of the European Union, Judgment of April 16, 2013. – 3. The “intégration des esprits“. The Conference on the future of Europe. – 4. Concluding remarks. The Ventotene Manifesto and disappointed expectations.
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