Some considerations on the reform of art. 416-ter of the criminal code made by law 43/2019
Abstract. Changes to art. 416-ter of the Criminal Code, which seem to codify some achievements of the jurisprudence developed during the previous text, in the following thoughts the author tries to wonder about the quality of the reform made by law 43/2019. The reform significantly modifies the overall sanctioning treatment of the crime concerning the political-mafia electoral exchange, exposing the incriminating case to objections of constitutional legitimacy.
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SUMMARY: 1. Introduction. – 2. The crime of Electoral Political – Mafia Exchange: a look to art. 416-ter of the Criminal Code before the 2019 reform. – 3. The latest reform of the crime of Electoral Political – Mafia Exchange made by law 21 May 2019, n. 43. – 3.1. Changes to the overall sanctioning treatment. – 3.1.1. Reinstatement of the penalty per relationem. – 3.1.2. Provision of a new special aggravating circumstance. – 3.1.3. Permanent ban from public offices. – 3.2. Changes to the number of individuals promising to collect votes. – 3.3. Extended content of the promise: the “willingness to meet the interests or needs of the mafia association”. – 3.4. Other changes to the provision: the reference to “intermediaries” and “any” other benefits. – 4. Final considerations.
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