Voluntary termination of pregnancy: a comparison between Italy and Sweden
Abstract. Conscientious objection is the fact of refusing to obey a particular order or rule or to do a particular type of work for moral or religious reasons. In Italy, it is possible to invoke conscientious objection with regard to military service, experiments on animals and abortion. In this respect, however, the high number of conscientious objectors among the medical personnel in the Country has been pointed out as one of the causes of the difficulties in accessing the service, especially for those women who come from rural areas and/or find themselves in a precarious situation. The situation in Sweden is diametrically opposed: there is no right for the medical personnel to abstain from performing an abortion in the name of conscientious objection, in the main interests of the protection of the right to health of those women who ask for an abortion.
SUMMARY: 0. Premise. – 1. Introduction… – 2. … in Italy. – 3. … in Sweden. – 4. European Court of Human Rights, Grimmark c. Sweden. – 5. Concluding remarks.
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