The case of the Municipality of Riace as a crossroads of ideological contrasts in policies for the reception of migrants and their critical points
Abstract. The paper focuses on the model of reception of migrants experienced in the Municipality of Riace, its results and the growing difficulties that led to its end and the initiation of criminal proceedings against the Mayor Domenico Lucano. It is also an opportunity for a broader reflection on national policies in this area and on their profound revision by the current and previous governments.
SUMMARY: 1. The beginning – 2. The birth of the model Riace. – 3. A small laboratory of humanism. – 4. The tools behind the model. – 4.1. The former national system in the areas of asylum and reception of migrants and the participation of the Municipality of Riace. – 4.2. The numbers. – 5. General considerations on the national system of reception of migrants. – 6. The controls on the Municipality of Riace… – 7. …and the consequences thereof. – 8. The court case. – 8.1. The precautionary measure of the GIP of Locri. – 8.2. The order of the Court of Review of Reggio Calabria. – 8.3. The decisions of legitimacy. – 8.4. Subsequent court events. – 8.5. A few final remarks. – 9. Recent changes in public policies on the reception of migrants. – 10. The story of the ship “Diciotti”. – 10.1. The facts. – 10.2. The outcome in the Senate. – 11. The opposing destinies of the Mayor and the Minister. – 12. Post-scriptum.
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