Abstract. Two recent legislative initiatives, still in their embryonic phase, highlight the style of the current approach of the legislation to criminal law, brandished as a club by a policy increasingly prone to show its muscles. The contribution seeks to understand the reasons for the phenomenon, which is accompanied by the risk of a regression of guarantees and fundamental rights, and to identify the basic lines common to the two texts that, although branded by several parties as unpresentable legal monsters, raise the attention of the media.
SUMMARY 1. Slogan and beyond. – 2. Humanity violated between past and present. – 3. Castrate by law: more than a refrain. – 4. It simply can’t be done. – 5. It has already been said: it must not be done. – 6. The other mantra: security. Another decree-law. – 7. The price of the enemy. – 8. A return to the forces of law and order? – 9. Conclusions.
To read the reflection, click on “open file”.
To download the draft of the decree-law, “Disposizioni urgenti in materia di ordine e sicurezza pubblica”, clicca qui.